
Stage Manager needed for Drink the Past Dry

Ghostlight Ensemble is seeking a Stage Manager for its March production of Drink the Past Dry written and directed by Ensemble Member Maria Burnham. Drink the Past Dry is a vignette-style, site-specific production set in a nondescript neighborhood bar in the middle of Chicago. It looks like every other bar in every other neighborhood in the city with a few regulars sipping drinks, making small talk, doing the things people always do in bars. But this bar has a secret. It can take you anywhere in time, but only once and only within the walls of the bar (so it turns out it’s not as popular a place as one might think). But there are some souls who still need to reach out to the past – or to the future – and this is where they come when they do.

Job Details:
The Stage Manager will attend all rehearsals and performances.

The Stage Manager will provide practical and organizational support to the director, actors and designers throughout the production process. They will also be the director's representative during performances, making sure that the production runs smoothly. While Ghostlight will have a company representative at each performance to manage the house, the Stage Manager will be responsible for the production elements of the performance.

Stage Manager will work side-by-side with the director during rehearsals, recording decisions about blocking and notes for the actors, keeping track of logistical and scheduling details and communicating what goes on in rehearsals to the rest of the team.

Key Dates:
Rehearsals will be 3-4 times/week on weeknight evenings and/or weekend days in April 2025. Final dates will be confirmed after review of cast conflicts.

Tech: Thursday, April 24 and rehearsals on Friday, April 25 in the evenings and Saturday, April 26 during the day.

Preview: Sunday, April 27 at 3 p.m.


  • Friday & Saturday, May 2 &3

  • Friday & Sunday, May 9 & 11

  • Friday & Sunday, May 16 & 18

  • Friday, Saturday & Sunday, May 23, 24 & 25

  • Thursday & Friday, May 29 & 30

  • Sunday, June 1

Thursday, May 29 is a designated understudy performance. There will be a put-in rehearsal for the understudies on May 27 or May 28, depending on availability. 

Performance take place at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays and 3 p.m. on Sundays. The performance will take place upstairs at Mrs. Murphy and Sons (3905 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60613)

Instructions to Apply:
To be considered, please send resume to Maria Burnham

Pay Rate/Range:
$350 stipend

Costume Designer needed for 'Alabama Story'

Ghostlight Ensemble is seeking a Costumer for its fall production of Alabama Story by Kenneth Jones. Alabama Story is based on the true story in the 1950s about an Alabama State Librarian facing an effort to ban a children’s book about a white bunny and a black bunny who get married. This is a timely and moving story that weaves together historical occurrences with fictional characters to drive home the real-world implications of censorship and book-banning that we still face today.

Costumer will dress 6 actors and 5-6 understudies. Costumer will have access to costume stock of local college per a borrowing agreement.

Key Dates
Costumer will be available for anticipated 3-4 virtual production meetings, in-person designer run, tech week and wardrobe fittings in August-September. Dates confirmed according to cast and production team availability.

Production Schedule:
Rehearsals in September 2024 on weeknights and/or weekend days, with possible table work and/or fittings in August.

Tech week: Sunday, September 22 in the afternoon and Monday, September 23 through Thursday, September 26 in the evenings

Performances: show will run Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoon matinees from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Instructions to Apply:

To be considered, please send resume and portfolio/website link to Holly Robison,

Pay Rate/Range*: $300 stipend

Organization Contact Name: Holly Robison

Organization Email Contact:

Stage Manager Needed for 'Alabama Story'

Ghostlight Ensemble is seeking a Stage Manager for its fall production of Alabama Story by Kenneth Jones. Alabama Story is based on the true story in the 1950s about an Alabama State Librarian facing an effort to ban a children’s book about a white bunny and a black bunny who get married. This is a timely and moving story that weaves together historical occurrences with fictional characters to drive home the real-world implications of censorship and book-banning that we still face today.

Stage Manager will attend all rehearsals and performances. There is an opportunity to combine this role with Production Manager for an increased stipend.

Key Dates
Production Schedule:

Rehearsals in September 2024. 3-4 rehearsals/week on weeknights or weekend days, to be scheduled according to cast availability.

Tech week: Sunday,  September 22 in the afternoon and Monday, September 23 through Thursday September 26 in the evenings.

Performances: show will run Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoon matinees from Friday, September 27 through Sunday, October 20, 2024.

Please note that performances will be held at two site specific locations: After-Words Bookstore Event Space, 23 E. Illinois, Chicago, IL 60611 (6 performances) September 27-29 and October 4-6 (6 performances) and Haymarket House, 800 W. Buena, Chicago, IL 60613 October 11-13 and October 18-20 (6 performances).

Instructions to Apply:

To be considered, please send resume to Holly Robison,

Pay Rate/Range*: $300 stipend

Organization Contact Name: Holly Robison

Organization Email Contact:

Production jobs listed for this summer's The Selfish Giant


Ghostlight is seeking a Stage Manager and a Costume Designer for its production ofThe Selfish Giant, an adaptation of the Oscar Wilde short story told through physical theatre. The production is geared toward young audiences.

To apply for any of the jobs listed below, submit a resume and statement of interest to Production Manager, Chad Wise at Please put the job you are applying for in the subject line.

Stage Manager
In addition to the usual duties, the stage manager will be required to act as light/sound board operator for performances.

Costume Designer
Sourcing or constructing single costume for a cast of 11, with an emphasis on flexibility for movement, while keeping in mind this is a production for young audiences in which actors take on multiple roles and build the world with their bodies.

Schedule Details
Rehearsals will be held on week day nights and weekends in April and May, with a short tech.

Performances run June 8-30 at 1 p.m. on Saturdays and 11 a.m. on Sundays at Otherworld Theatre in Chicago.

$75 per position

Update: Stage Manager needed for Picasso at the Lapin Agile for Tech & Performance only

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Ghostlight Ensemble seeks a Stage Manager for the run of its production of Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile. The absurdist comedy imagines a meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso just before the renowned scientist transformed physics with his theory of relativity and the celebrated painter sets the art world afire with cubism.

In addition to the usual duties, the stage manager will be required to act as light/sound board operator for performances.

This position is only needed to fill tech week and performances, not rehearsals. The performance stage manager will begin attending rehearsals no later than October 12 or 13, taking over from the current stage manager, who will meet with the candidate and provide updated cues and notes at a paper tech, which will be scheduled according to availability.

Schedule Details
Tech week is October 15-18, evenings only. Load-in is scheduled for Sunday, October 14.

Performances run October 19 through November 4, 2018, on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. with one industry performance at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 22. All performances are at Otherworld Theatre in the Lakeview neighborhood in Chicago.

A small stipend will be available for this position.

More information about the production is available on the project page.

To Apply: 

Please send your resume and a statement of interest to production manager Chad Wise at

Costume Designer needed for 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile'

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Ghostlight Ensemble seeks a Costume Designer for its production of Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile. The absurdist comedy imagines a meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso just before the renowned scientist transformed physics with his theory of relativity and the celebrated painter sets the art world afire with cubism.

This production will involve sourcing costumes for 10 actors. The play takes place in a single location on a single day.

Schedule Details
Rehearsals begin September 10, 2018, with about 3 to 4 rehearsals a week on weeknights and weekends, crafted around the actors' schedules. Tech is scheduled for October 15-18 in the evenings. Load-in is scheduled for Sunday, October 14.

Performances run October 19 through November 4, 2018, on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons at Otherworld Theatre in the Lakeview neighborhood in Chicago.

The stipend for this position is $150.

Please send your resume, links to any relevant work/websites and a statement of interest to production manager Chad Wise at

Stage Manager Needed for Picasso at the Lapin Agile

Ghostlight Ensemble seeks a Stage Manager for its production of Steve Martin's Picasso at the Lapin Agile. The absurdist comedy imagines a meeting between Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso just before the renowned scientist transformed physics with his theory of relativity and the celebrated painter sets the art world afire with cubism.

In addition to the usual duties, the stage manager will be required to act as light/sound board operator for performances.

Schedule Details
Rehearsals begin September 10, 2018, with about 3 to 4 rehearsals a week on weeknights and weekends, crafted around the actors' scheduled. Tech is scheduled for October 15-18 in the evenings. Load-in is scheduled for Sunday, October 14.

Performances run October 19 through November 4, 2018, on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons at Otherworld Theatre in the Lakeview neighborhood in Chicago.

The stipend for this position is $150.

To Apply
Please send your resume and a statement of interest to production manager Chad Wise at

Stage manager needed for The Princess Without Pots

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Ghostlight Ensemble is seeking a Stage Manager for its feminist fairy tale production of The Princess Without Pots. The production is geared toward young audiences. In addition to the usual duties, the stage manager will be required to act as light/sound board operator for performances.

Schedule Details
Rehearsals are scheduled through May with tech scheduled on Sunday, June 3 and Monday, June 4. Performances run June 9-30 at 11 a.m. on Saturdays and 1:30 p.m on Sundays at LOL Theater in the North Center neighborhood in Chicago. Because rehearsals have already been schedule, some conflicts in May are acceptable, but candidates must be available for the technical rehearsals and performances.

The stipend for this position is $100.

Submit resume to Production Manager, Carolyn Minor at

Production jobs listed for this summer's 'Princess Without Pots'


Ghostlight is seeking a Fight Choreographer, Scenic Painter and Stage Manager for its feminist fairy tale production of The Princess Without Pots. The production is geared toward young audiences.

To apply for any of the jobs listed below, submit resume and a brief description of what 'fight like a girl' means to you to Production Manager, Carolyn Minor at Please put the job you are applying for in the subject line.

Fight Choreographer
While this is a fight-heavy show, it is also a show geared toward young audiences, so we're seeking an artist who can design believable fights that are, at the same time, not hyper violent. The fights are short, but range from hand-to-hand combat to a sword fight with a spoon to more traditional weapons. Help sourcing weapons will also be appreciated.

Stage Manager
In addition to the usual duties, the stage manager will be required to act as light/sound board operator for performances.

Scenic Painter
We're looking for a scenic painter to help us create the look of a fairy tale castle (inside and out) as imaged by children. More details about the director's vision for this are available upon request.

Schedule Details
Rehearsals will begin in late-April/early May. 
Performances run June 9 to July 1 at 11 a.m. on Saturdays and 1:30 p.m on Sundays at LOL Theater in the North Center neighborhood in Chicago.

Small stipends for each position to be negotiated with experience